They are are loading the planet! 12 reasons why you should not use plastic bags

Recently, many stores have started charging for plastic bags. Although the price is very small, It is a great step to stop a global epidemic that affects our society and, overcoat, marine ecosystems, where trillions of tons of plastics are concentrated that pollute the water and kill many species. Estas son 12 reasons, but there are many more. No to plastic bags!

1. Although many people see them as something convenient, They are the complete opposite: They cause more harm to the world than the benefit they give us.

Like virtually all products made of plastic, Bags are one of the biggest causes of pollution worldwide.

David Paul Morris / Getty Images

Like virtually all products made of plastic, bags are one of the biggest causes of pollution world level.

2. This year, More than FIVE TRILLION plastic bags are expected to be consumed around the world.

So many bags would not only be able to completely cover France, but put one after the other they could go around the world seven times.

Hroe / Getty Images

So many bags would not only be able to completely cover France, but placed one after the other They could go around the world seven times.

3. One of the main problems is that LESS THAN 1% of those trillion bags are recycled.

People throw them away and that's it., without thinking for a second about where they are going to end up and the irreparable damage that this is going to cause to the ecosystem..

Rootstocks / Getty Images

People throw them away and that's it., without thinking for a second about where they are going to end up and the irreparable damage that this is going to cause to the ecosystem..

4. Things are even more complicated: They are made of polyethylene, a material that, generally, It should NOT be combined with other recyclable products..

This is because it is a soft plastic that, unlike the rigid one used in bottles and other products, es muy ligero y puede enredarse en las maquinarias de las plantas de reciclaje. Por esta razón, las bolsas deben ir en otros contenedores dirigidos a los centros verdes o plantas que cuenten con el personal que se dedique a recibirlas y separarlas manualmente.En pocas palabras, aunque se pueden reciclar, el proceso no solo es más complicado, sino que la gente debe educarse en cómo, dónde, y por qué hacerlo.

Mukhina1 / Getty Images

En pocas palabras, aunque se pueden reciclar, el proceso no solo es más complicado, sino que la gente debe educarse en cómo, dónde, y por qué hacerlo.

This is because it is a soft plastic that, unlike the rigid one used in bottles and other products, es muy ligero y puede enredarse en las maquinarias de las plantas de reciclaje. Por esta razón, las bolsas deben ir en otros contenedores dirigidos a los centros verdes o plantas que cuenten con el personal que se dedique a recibirlas y separarlas manualmente.

5. ¿Qué pasa con ellas luego de que las usas y desechas? Tardan más de 1000 years to disappear from the planet.

Polyethylene takes centuries to disintegrate, and the worst thing is that as time goes by it separates into tiny and dangerous particles that are silently destroying the environment..

Jay Direct / AFP / Getty Images

Polyethylene takes centuries to disintegrate, and the worst thing is that as time goes by it separates into tiny and dangerous particles that are silently destroying the environment..

6. It is extremely likely that they will end up polluting the oceans.

Yes, They are part of that sad 80% of plastic garbage that is covering the waters. Hence the statement based on studies that "at 2050 there will be more plastic, what fish in the sea&aquotuot;.

Jay Direct / AFP / Getty Images

Yes, They are part of that sad 80% plastic garbage that is covering the waters. Hence the statement based on studies about what “at 2050 there will be more plastic, what fish in the sea”.

7. Plastic bags are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of marine animals…

Innocent turtles, Whales, pieces, Little birds and other animals die from drowning after consuming pieces of bags by mistake or mistaking them for food..

Placebo365 / Getty Images

Innocent turtles, Whales, pieces, Little birds and other animals drown by consuming pieces of bags by mistake or by accident. confuse them with food.


8. And, if they don't die immediately, They can suffer poisoning or intestinal obstructions that will kill them in the long term..

By consuming plastic, if they don't drown immediately, Their stomachs become clogged and they will not eat anymore., suffering an agonizing death... This is to name one of the many tragedies by which they can be affected..

Enviromantic / Getty Images

By consuming plastic, if they don't drown immediately, their stomachs become clogged and they will not eat anymore, suffering an agonizing death… This is to name one of the many tragedies by which they can be affected..

9. Certainly, if you eat fish, It is important that you know that it can come with a little TOXIC plastic inside.

Yes, ese mismo plástico cubierto de algas y bacterias que se comen los peces y otros animalitos marinos, termina en muchos casos en nuestros platos... y claro, esto no significa nada bueno para nuestra salud.

Milkos / Getty Images

Yes, ese mismo plástico cubierto de algas y bacterias que se comen los peces y otros animalitos marinos, termina en muchos casos en nuestros platosy claro, esto no significa nada bueno para nuestra salud.

10. Si no van directo al mar, las bolsas suelen quedar enredadas entre flores y raíces de plantas, no solo haciendo ver feo nuestros alrededores, sino perjudicando la flora.

Están técnicamente EN TODOS LADOS.


Están técnicamente EN TODOS LADOS

11. Es común que queden atrapadas en tuberías y desagües, tapándolos y causando inundaciones.

Esto le da la bienvenida a la acumulación de gérmenes y bacterias causantes de graves enfermedades, y da pie a inundaciones y colapsos en calles y residencias. Jay Direct / AFP / Getty Image

Esto le da la bienvenida a la acumulación de gérmenes y bacterias causantes de graves enfermedades, y da pie a inundaciones y colapsos en calles y residencias.

12. ¿Y qué puedes hacer tú? Muy fácil: no salir sin tu bolsa reutilizable si vas al mercado y decirno, graciascuando te ofrezcan una.

Tal vez tu ciudad o país no tengan aún el apoyo del gobierno para prohibir las bolsas de plástico, pero tu elección personal puede contribuir a un gran cambio: no las aceptes. En cuanto a las bolsas de papel, aunque son mucho menos dañinas, se requiere gran parte de los recursos naturales para su elaboración, así que si bien son una opción, no la conviertas es tu primera. Usa bolsas reciclables de tela.

Fangxianuo / Getty Images

Tal vez tu ciudad o país no tengan aún el apoyo del gobierno para prohibir las bolsas de plástico, pero tu elección personal puede contribuir a un gran cambio: no las aceptes.

En cuanto a las bolsas de papel, aunque son mucho menos dañinas, se requiere gran parte de los recursos naturales para su elaboración, así que si bien son una opción, no la conviertas es tu primera. Usa bolsas reciclables de tela.

Source: Buzzfeed
