11 selfies taken just before he died ...

good saltoeLike take selfies? Look at these people also liked them much the selfies, but they have taken so far that has cost the lives. The next time you want to get the coolest photo to hesitate in social networks, think possible likes can cost you dearly…

extreme sports: The two Germans were cousins, They became famous for taking selfies in really extreme situations, always they kept in dangerous situations and where his life was in danger just to take selfies, this year one of them dies after fall 20 meters for trying to drink a selfie.1

By impress your partner: Selfie This was taken just before Emma Willis lost his life, and when it falls, a stone hit his head and died.2

Running on motorcycles: Ramón González was a rapper of Puerto Rico that gradually became famous, however, a selfie takes a few minutes before losing control of his motorbike, He was killed when he crashed into a car.3

A shot of selfie: And this man thought to be a selfie with a gun was a good idea, however I did not put insurance on it and shot himself in the leg before taking a photo, He bled to death.4

Height selfie: Only 17 years old, Xenia came to a bridge under construction to have a selfie, when he wanted to go down, floor and fell ill.5

A trip to heaven: In this case they did not blame, this selfie was taken on a plane which was then shot down by Russians, Malasyan Airlines plane MH17.


Electrocuted by a selfie: This man climbed a skyscraper in a city to have a selfie, however I did not know this was a lot of electricity conduits leading. 7

Japanese end: The Japanese became known thanks to this kind of photographs, No one really knows his death or not, but this was the last photo, It not heard from again Chu Ying.8

The drop selfie: It is up to very high places to take selfies, however this was the last, He fell and spent two months in a coma, after he died.9

His last marriage: And is that these friends while they were celebrating one of them married, one selfie were taken while driving, unfortunately he lost control of the car and died.10

If Megan Stuart: It was weird because I was in a photo shoot in a cliff about 60 meters high, when he falls and dies instantly, the issue that the authorities delayed about a week to find the body.11
